Healthy School Lunch Essentials

Aug 4, 2022, 6:53:09 PM

Parents, the first day of school is quickly approaching. Getting your kiddos back into the school year routine and going to bed early can be tough. Making sure they have the fuel they need to power through their day doesn’t have to be.

Whether you child participates in school lunches or brings a lunch from home, this meal is critical in filling nutrient gaps and providing them with the energy they need to concentrate and learn throughout the school day.

If you’re packing your child’s lunch aim for balance and variety that includes:

-lean protein, like turkey or chicken

-High fiber, like whole wheat bread or tortilla

-Healthy fats, like nuts or avocados

-Colorful fruits and vegetables, eat the rainbow with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Keeping these 4 categories in mind when packing your child’s lunch can help you give them a balanced and nutritious meal that will set them up for a successful day at school!

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